(edited)For SaleOther
Contemplating getting a tire machine. What are the pros and cons. And are there any out there for sale? Vehicle tires, truck tires and small tractor tires primarily Thanks
We acquired an older tire machine about 3 years ago that came with a building in town. Is it handy? Yes. I can use it to swap East thing around or install new tires on trailers, implements, etc. There’s still lots that gets done at the tire shop in town, such as any real repairs. I think the biggest savings got me is the ability to shop online and have tires dropped off at the farm fir much less than I’d have to pay in town at the tire shop. I’m able to cut out a few middle-men in the purchases, plus I don’t have to sit for 30-45 mins before they even get started on my tires. However, it’s not perfect. I certainly ruined a few beads on used tires before I figured out what I was doing. Being a well-used machine, it has several air leaks and the functions don’t always work 100% the way they should.
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