Verified FBN Member (MS)


What do producers think about the 360 yield saver?


Verified FBN Member (IL)

We really like them, durability and wear leave something so be desires. They last about 100 acres per row. They do a great job no question, we put ours on center 6 as we see most header loss there from feederhouse throwing kernels. We started replacing mid year but now just run 1 set thru harvest.


Verified FBN Member (KS)

Personally I think it did a great job the year we ran them. Especially dryland compared to our irrigated. It caught the small ears. We had abnormally strong weed pressure that year or bad control. Yield savers would plug the stalkrolls and we ended up burning up row clutches. It was very frustrating. Hard on equipment and patience. Only other issue, with the blocks in, gathering chains aren’t very...
