Verified FBN Member (KS)



Hello, I am a farmer in southern Kansas and am considering getting into the organic wheat business. I was hoping anyone on here is currently or has tried to get the organic business. Why did it work or why did you end up not pursuing it more. Love any feedback from anyone.


Verified FBN Member (KS)

we got into organics back in 2017 because 10-$12 wheat was a lot better than $4 wheat even tho you are growing less bushels. However it takes a lot of tillage, weeds are always an issue. Nutrients get depleted. This is our last year of it and we’re going to start spraying again. Also you have to have your own storage and must be patient to sell you’re grain. I can go on and on but not to stereotyp...


Verified FBN Member (CA)

Hi my name *************. We are located in Northwest CA and we are trying some organic small grains this year with wheat being one of them. You can email me at ******************* I would also be interested in some contact info for the Michigan food company. Thanks

Verified FBN Member (IN)

I have been consulting for organic/transitional farms for ten years. Happy to help if you need/want some direction. I also have connections with a large organic food label based in Michigan. They are always looking for organic product for their soup/canning lines.


Verified FBN Member (KS)

I'd love any contact information with that food label if you don't mind. A few questions I have is can organic wheat be insured and insured similar to conventional? Where do many organic farmers get their fertilizer and what is their fertility rate, and what would you say is the biggest mistake farmers make during the 3-year transition period. An answer to any of these broad questions would be gre...
