Verified FBN Member (SD)


3 phase power lines in VS 3 phase Generator

We are updating our dryer and it probably will be 3 phase vs our current single phase. Our electrical company is kind of working with us, we are currently maxing out the lines. If we want 3 phase we may have to bring the lines to our farm (6.5 miles). We really only need 3 phase when drying. Wondering what people's thoughts were on a generator vs lines in. We wouldn't only need the power for about a month.


Verified FBN Member (SD)

Look into a generator unless you plan on doing bin expansion or shop heating to justify cost of line construction. Preferably a propane generator and 30000 gal tank. ROI on fan upgrade to 3phase is tough to pencil. If you have questions give me a call

Verified FBN Member (NE)

have you looked at generating your own power during harvestable run rest of the year on single phase


Verified FBN Member (PA)

You could also run the dryer on a VFD and that will convert single phase to three phase. They are expensive because you have to get a drive that is twice as big. So a 10 hp three phase motor will need at least a 20hp three phase drive.


Verified FBN Member (SD)

Thanks guys, right now our bid to put the lines in is $67,000/miles. so $270,000 to get it to our farm, but they will Pro rate us.

I have been getting such mixed reviews. Some friends that have it LOVE it. Others have hated it for the demand charge. They farm around that they say. So It will be a lot to digest and see what our company comes back with.

Verified FBN Member (IN)

Our electric company was wanting $10,000 per pole to add 3 phase. We were up to $100,000 for 1 mile.

On our farm we are adding variable frequency drives to run 20 hp fans for drying.

Generators may create what is called dirty power. May cause electrical motor failures, this is what i’ve been told. ???

Good luck!