Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)


What are people using for lentil and peas innoculant?

Also curious what are people paying and what’s the best bang for your buck? I have been using Veredesian N-take injected into ground with starter fert.


Verified FBN Member (SD)

Are you planting with a drill or on 30s? Innoculant is Innoculant in my opinion. Just find the cheapest thing you can and run it especially on ground that hasn't had peas in a while. ***** I have never in my life heard of someone using supplemental nitrogen in place of Innoculant.


Darin Lickfeldt
FBN Agronomist
FBN Employee

Thanks for the feedback

Darin Lickfeldt
FBN Agronomist
FBN Employee

We have always been an advocate for inoculants. They are generally priced decent and probably provide some economical assurances in soybean/dry bean production, depending on rotation and environmental conditions. That being said, dry bean farmers typically apply supplemental nitrogen for a total of 70 to 100 lbs of N/acre. If someone is tight on their rotation and is a little aggressive on their n...



Verified FBN Member (SD)

You might want to read this article before commenting further. Extra n is not a good idea. Innoculant are a no Brainer.

Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)

Nodulator duo scg from basf