Verified FBN Member (MB, CAN)


What was your biggest success during this challenging year so far?

Looking for positive answers, what surprised you (in a good way). What did you do that worked that you haven’t done before?


Verified FBN Member (SD)

Trying a cover crop of cereal rye in the fall of '18 on my grain stubble. No-till planted soybeans into the rye this spring. It was the driest field I planted this spring. Come to this fall and it was the driest field I combined and had the best yield of all my soybean acres. Tried it again this fall and into 2020.


Verified FBN Member (MO)

Knee surgery. Replaced ACL best doc ever. Down for 5/7 days back up in the combine rezdy for action


Verified FBN Member (NC)

Planting notil without coulters. We replaced two 40' and one 30' planter with one 40' and one 60', both without notil coulters but with hyd downforce. We are 100% notil and soils range from heavy/hard clays to sandy loams. Planting into heavy cover and doublecrop behind wheat were no problem. We virtually eliminated "hairpinning" and planting depth was consistent across crops and soils, from c...



Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)

First year farmer. Always helped out as labor but first time with skin in the game.

Gonna sound odd but one of my biggest successes was not drifting spray on any of my neighbors' fields. I've never ran the sprayer before this year (it's my dad's baby, lol) We don't have AIM command so it's pretty stressful especially when there's no borders between crops.

Also, how quickly I've learned weed ID, ...



Verified FBN Member (KS)

Changing the form of nitrogen, went from all nh3, to urea ahead of planter, followed by dropping 32% down rows with sprayer, crop is dark green, and seems to respond better then everything applied in fall. I will continue the fall nh3 program, but am going to add the 32%, that just really seams to boost growth and color


Verified FBN Member (WI)

Seeing how all my team worked together to get things done. How everyone when the extra mile


Verified FBN Member (IL)

Same here. We got a lot of acres planted in a very short window. I’m proud of that!

Verified FBN Member (IA)

This was my first year growing conventional corn. I was pretty nervous that grass would get out of control and take over the field, but a really simple weed control program kept the field very clean and I was able to save $50 per acre on seed!


Verified FBN Member (IA)

I used Harness Xtra as the pre and generic Callisto with atrazine post. Low cost and worked great.

Verified FBN Member (IA)

What did you use for grass control??