Verified FBN Member (OK)


What are some of the biggest issues facing the cattle industry currently? How could FBN help?

Looking forward to Farmer 2 Farmer V, I am curious what everyone’s thoughts are about current state of the cattle industry, what would you change about it if you could?

Let me know, and maybe we can discuss this together at Omaha... 😉

What are some of the biggest issues facing the cattle industry currently? How could FBN help?


Verified FBN Member (ND)

Only a handful of big packers. cooperating and not competing with each other. They can basically fix the price. Packers are running decent margins and cow/calf and feeders are razor thin.


Verified FBN Member (NE)

***** you do a great job of taking this issue by the horns. And I appreciate Farmers business Network providing a platform which to speak off of. Can't wait for #f2f See you there!


Verified FBN Member (SD)

The biggest boost to the cattle industry without harming any other domestic sector of ag would be strong Country of Origin Labeling. The watered down version of it now does nothing for beef or pork. It's a shame that the U.S. farmer raises a superior product than the rest of the world and isn't allowed to market it that way or reap the benefits of it like every other product enjoys.


Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)

COOL hurt your industry as well. Keeping Canadian product separate from yours cost industry lots of money and sales.

Verified FBN Member (OK)

Not sure what the answer is. Cheaper feed and more pounds only goes so far now days. Looking forward to F2F to discuss these issues.


Verified FBN Member (SD)

We have a consumer being told that we are doing it all wrong by people who don't know, who are suppose to be educated by a group of people who are bought off by the people who stand to make all the money off our efforts.


Verified FBN Member (OK)

Lots of truth in that statement.