Verified FBN Member (TN)


Any tests show profit in biologicals?

Of the numerous companies offering biological products (fungi, bacteria, enzymes, amino acids, etc) who has done test and seen them show yield or not show yield? Let's get a big list here. I'm trying several this year for the first time, so I'll have some answers in a couple of months.

Remember that these products will not likely show a yield advantage in conditions where there are other, more basic, limiting factors such as nutrients, compaction, and water.


Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)

Roots mass with addition of ACF is exponentially larger than where none is used

Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)

I have been using Advanced Ag ACF-SR and have had pretty good success with it. I will be applying it in furrow on all my acres next year. The largest response was on Barley and chickpeas for yield. The benefits beside yield is a reduction to nil fungicide use.

Verified FBN Member (ND)

Biologicals work. You just need to know the variables and what you want to accomplish with your soil types. Some products will work and some won't. It's complicated. For example, a true PSB (Phosphate solubilizing bacteria) will help convert tied up (for many reasons)phosphate and make it more available. Everyone accepts that Bradyrhizobia help soybeans make nitrogen, but they won't help corn make...



Verified FBN Member (ND)

Care to share your favorite products?

Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)

I have used the Best Farming system for the last 2 years. First year was on a few acres and I seen a bump in test weight on barley and wheat as well as a bump in protein. It’s hard to get a figure on yield since our land is so variable and i don’t have anything to measure weight, just going by what’s in the hopper after making a half mile pass. From what I’m told it’s takes 3 years to start gettin...


Verified FBN Member (IL)

This is our first year testing it. So we will see come harvest. We replaced it with some of more traditional fertilizer. So even if our harvest is within 5% of last year, then we still saved a ton of money on fertilizer cost. We did a "test plot" on my wife's flower bed. One side of the flower's got the biological and the other nothing, and the Bio flowers were about 2X bigger than the non-bio flo...


Verified FBN Member (IL)

have seen response in the past. this year toggle and take off on corn, toggle and voyagro on corn, kriss and vine and veg on beans. toggle take off kriss and vine n veg on beans.

Verified FBN Member (NY)

I am doing trials this year with three different companies. Only biological's in furrow and nitrogen in my 2x2. first round on tissue samples show just as good as nutrient levels in furrow as fields with fertilizer in furrow. I think the corn looks better with biological's only in furrow as well.


Verified FBN Member (ND)

Sounds like a trial you need to measure over multiple growing seasons or with soil samples to show that the biologicals are actually compensating for the fertilizer and not depleting your ground.

Verified FBN Member (MN)

I'm doing a test with 2 different companies. Genesis Ag and Agxplorer. Both on corn and one with beans. All test have a infurrow package and a foliar treatment. I have never used these kinds of products before so each test is on 50 acres. The corn tests are right at $30/acre and the bean test is just under $50/acre for the products that is why im only doing 150 acres total, to see if they actually...



Verified FBN Member (SD)

I am thinking of more of the torques, and ascends of the world. When I think of biologicals I put them in 3 categories. Micronutrients based, the stinks like rotting fish (High carbon) and the wtf is that's (ascend, torque)


Verified FBN Member (SD)

Biological work when under stress. If you plant into warm soil forget about it at plant and always forget about it on a broadleaf crop.

I hate foliar micronutrients always that claim to be biological. There is simply not enough nutrients in each gallon! That being said a true biological can increase bushels when a crop is under stress.

The thing I always tell myself is crops start in the bag at ...



Verified FBN Member (NE)

Interesting, what non carbon based biochemistry have you had experience with? Almost all currently known living organisms and plants on earth all use carbon compounds for basic structural and metabolic functions. I'm curious if you have a specific product you have used or are thinking of using? this would be an unknown?

Verified FBN Member (SD)

I think you are speaking about humic acids and carbon based biologicals for the most part. I'm speaking more to unknowns and non carbon based.

Verified FBN Member (NE)

Totally agree that Biological Foliar feeding is a bit irrational, you just cannot apply via the plant leaf enough fertility to make it worth the time and expense of application. That's why I have found that soil applied biologicals are the best bang for your buck unless your in a rescue your crop type situation

@ anonymous "Biological work when under stress. If you plant into warm soil forget ...


Verified FBN Member (NE)

Agri Energy Resources, based in Princeton IL, We have been using their products since the late 80's and have seen our soils biology and nutrient ratios naturally balance. Our PH started in the 5's and now is a perfect 6.7-7 PH we farm in SE Nebraska where an average PH is about 5.2 - 6.2. most farmers are doing good job of building soils and PH's get better every year through a variety of differe...



Verified FBN Member (NE)

I'm going to try some in 2020 for the first time along with a very diverse tea extract and readily available calcium. Along with cover crops and no-till of course.

I've been on Agri-Energy's website a few times but sorting out all of these companies is very hard and frustrating.

Verified FBN Member (NE)

Used to on my organic field, haven't used in years. It's definitely fish! U can smell it. U seeing any major benefits from ********* fish Products.

Verified FBN Member (NE)

Using or used any fish ****?