Verified FBN Member (LA)


What is your variety and yields with F2F corn seed? Farmers only please

Also post location


Verified FBN Member (AR)

We had 500 ac of F2F last year planted in the 108A and the 128A. Overall our average was 180bpa on those. Best field we had cut 209 compared to our best field of Dekalb 64-32 that cut 219. We’re located in Southeast AR. Had some concerns about planting a 110 and 112 day corn in our area, we’re usually 114-120 day, but was very happy with the results especially being the first year out and the grow...



Verified FBN Member (WI)

Thank you for sharing


Verified FBN Member (LA)

Thanks for the info.


Verified FBN Member (IA)

I had a test plot for FBN planted May 5 north central Iowa,rotated ground, spring applied NH3

F2F1C-108A 214.49bu/a

F2F1C-068WCE 186.59bu/a

F2F1C-028A 206.47bu/a

F2F1C-128A 213.86bu/a




Verified FBN Member (IA)

We planted the conventional numbers F2F1C-028 and F2F1C-068. Insecticide in furrow and over the top at tassels with fungicide 17 bu an acre better. yeild was 220-250 on may 6 planting,

Had 2 neighbors plant the same numbers very happy also we are all planting it again this coming season.



Verified FBN Member (IL)

3 varieties Double Pro, 3 varieties Genuity 232 acres 239BPA. 3 F2F conventional varieties 225 acres 220 BPA. First 6 varieties needed to out yield last 3 by 25.16 BPA to cover seed cost and 29.66 to cover all cost.
