Verified FBN Member (ID)


What are the best tipss for people wanting to start growing peas?

What advice do you guys that grow peas(field or chic peas) have for anyone looking to start rotating them in?


Verified FBN Member (WA)

Make sure your ground temp is up planting them in cold dirt doesn’t work real good in the PNW. 120-180# per acre on seed rate. Inoculating I’m not sold on but if I were to do it getting the liquid coat is far better then granular.

Verified FBN Member (SD)


Must do pre herbicide, I do fall application as there is not much labeled post emerge. Variety selection very important. 350,000 PLS is what I run, watch seed count and germ as seed can get expensive. Granular inoculant works well. Look for production contract with Act of God clause. Desiccation May be required for straight cutting. Fertilizer requirements are phosphate not with seed as th...



Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)

Seed them deep, at least an inch into moisture, and no shallower than 1.5". Inoculate, and if you haven't seeded peas before it would be a good idea to double inoculate. Get a land roller regardless if you have rocks or not. Keep the field clean of weeds. Be watchful for disease, a spray pass with fungicide is usually needed. When it comes to harvest, you can either swath of straight cut. How that...



Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)

Make sure you have thistles well under control. There is absolutely no in crop control. Also some residual herbicides can ruin a crop. ******* comes to mind.

Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)

The challenge with field peas is to keep them standing for harvest. Harvesting them can be difficult. Couple thing to help with that:

-Use narrow enough spacing that they can come together.

-Use a land roller.

-They dont like too much moisture, beware of disease. Plant them on higher or lighter ground if you have the option.

I've been using Tag Team innoculant and seems to work well.


Verified FBN Member (ID)

Well I'm in the desert of idaho. So high, dry ground is my thing. Be planted at 10in spacing.

Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)

Plant by thousand kernel weight for a good stand. Granular innocculent is a good choice on "virgin" land.


Verified FBN Member (CO)

We tried 350 acres this spring. Dry land in E CO. We were not disappointed, but need to see how the wheat planted behind them responds.... we will have to haul them from 180-300 miles, so will see.


Verified FBN Member (SD)

Peas compliment wheat very well in my experience. You will actually see yield increases for more than one year in some cases

Verified FBN Member (CO)

2.7 fertilizer, I need to ask ****** what innoculant, I don’t remember...

Verified FBN Member (ID)


That our plan next spring. Try 160 acres or so, try and get a couple more crops in before fallow

How heavy did you plant? What innoculant did you use? How heavy did you go with starter fert, and overall fert did you use?