Verified FBN Member (MN)


Is hydraulic down force worth it?

We're looking at ordering a new corn planter for next year. Deere wants another $30k for the active hydraulic down force system. I've never heard anything bad about it but that additional 30k is a tough one to swallow. What are everyone else's experiences? Any help is appreciated.



Verified FBN Member (MN)

We have run precision hydraulic down force on our planter since the product’s inception(something like 8 years?) it is totally the most valuable addition made to our 16 row JD planter. It makes the planter more mobile for some crazy conditions. I have planted through the rain with it(never thought that could be possible before without slabbing furrow walls). The ability of the hydraulic downforce to not only put force down, but to also LIFT the unit up to decrease excess weight, is often overlooked. Amazing tech to have.

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