Verified FBN Member (NE)


Do you avoid updates on computers and phones?

Do you hold off as long as possible or do you want to be the first to update?

Do you avoid updates on computers and phones?


Verified FBN Member (OK)

I’m a firm believer that the updates Apple sends to your iPhone is mainly to make you want a new one. Sure it works great with the new ones, but any older version it makes the battery run down very quickly and won’t last all day on a charge...not good for your average farmer

Verified FBN Member (WA, AUS)

I read the change log to see if the update will benefit me first and if it will I’ll update.


Verified FBN Member (IL)

I used to update as soon as they would come out. However, now I wait about one month to let the issues sort themselves out and get fixed before updating. I have been burned too many times.

Verified FBN Member (SD)

Hold off til something doesn't work. I cant stand updates. I like the phone the way it is. Every time I have updated they change how something works and I prefer the way it was. Why cant they just leave things alone.