Verified FBN Member (ND)

(edited)For SaleCustom Work

Custom ECU Tuning for Tractors, combines, etc. $2,500

AK Diesel Performance & Tuning LLC


We provide tuning to gain HP and Fuel Economy. Each tune is written specifically for each machine and we have safe HP recommendations for each and every machine.


Tunes written and installed by North Dakota Farmers. Not written in Europe or Bosnia.


Free retunes if the tune is overwritten by your dealer. Money back guarantee. Aggressive MULTI-UNIT DISCOUNTS.


Please remember that cheap tunes are cheap for a reason. We have replaced tunes from other companies that were written for 100+ more hp than advertised to that customer.


No Emissions Deletes.



Feel free to Contact  . No pressure or obligation.


Local ND tunes will be installed in person. National tunes will be installed by customer using our SIMPLE tuning tools and software. If you can plug into your diagnostic port, click a few buttons, and email, you can easily get your tractor tuned.

Custom ECU Tuning for Tractors, combines, etc.

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