Shannon Fong
FBN Employee


2019 Soybean Yield Compared to 2018 - 10/31/19 (Poll Results)

Analysis from FBN Economist, Walter Kunisch.

"Late cycle weather challenges during October delivered a final blow which continued to suppress both state and national yield objectives.

The FBN member driven poll of 45.5BPA is below FBN's latest quantitative driven yield prediction estimate of 47.4BPA. We believe that part of the disconnect between the member driven poll and the FBN yield estimate can be attributed to the limitations of satellite imagery that results from the snow and damage inflicted from snow. This is particularly true in ND, MN and SD where snow made yield estimates challenging.

In conclusion, the FBN member driven soybean yield poll points to a scenario that we would believe could not only be supportive local basis but also, if realized, supportive listed CME futures prices.

We look forward to further analysis between the FBN member poll and the USDA's state level yield assumptions on the Nov. 8 WASDE report."

Click the image to see the results!

2019 Soybean Yield Compared to 2018 - 10/31/19 (Poll Results)


Verified FBN Member (IL)

18 Bu/A less than last year in central IL

Verified FBN Member (IL)

18 bu less than last year - 88 bu in 18, 71 bu in 19

Verified FBN Member (IL)

About 5 bu. per acre less than last year.

Verified FBN Member (IA)

10 bpa improvement over last year, but then last year's crop got hailed to the ground on the 10th of June, then got something like 7-10" of rain over the next two weeks. Finally got restarted around the 4th. Then had to mature in the soggy wet fall that was 2018. So I guess sometimes it's all relative.

Verified FBN Member (IL)

Down at least 10% but that’s very good considering the extremely challenging year. We still have all are 3.5 and later left to go. We’ll need 3-4 good days before done.

Verified FBN Member (WV)

My 10 yr average is 48. This year is on pace to be 58. 130 acres to go and they are very good, I am pleasantly surprised


Verified FBN Member (IL)

Yep, about 10 bushels behind last year