Verified FBN Member (NJ)


Has anyone grown or grow black oats ?

I am going to grow some this year after reading that they are supposed suppress nematodes . Just curious if any one has grown them for this reason and how it has worked out .


Verified FBN Member (KS)

They did not grow well. I think that it was too cool for them in our area. Traditional oat varieties produced much more biomass for us.

Verified FBN Member (NJ)

I found some literature last year at a farm show about them and supposedly Pratex black oats were developed to suppress nematodes in Germany. Also there is another kind called cosaque that supposedly do that as well . What do you mean by not preforming well ? Because they get killed off in frost or ?

Verified FBN Member (KS)

I have grown them as a cover crop in Kansas a couple times. They are very popular in South America as a CC but have not performed well at this latitude in my experience. I have no experience with their ability to suppress nematodes.