Verified FBN Member (CO)


Field bindweed control in Safflower

Are there any options for bindweed control in Safflower? Pre or Post?


Verified FBN Member (ID)

I have tried Tryclopyr in bindweed with some success, although this cannot be used in crop with safflower but as a post harvest. I have had the most success with a successive passes of roundup with a concentration of 1 gal/ac. I use a Weed-it spot sprayer to make this economical and there is no soil residual. I've heard Quinclorac works on bindweed, but I haven't tried it yet. (Again, this woul...



Verified FBN Member (ID)

Are you using Spartan Charge as a pre-emergance herbicide? This year has been wet for us as well and I'm noticing alot of acres with Spartan burn (probably 60% of my 1100 ac of safflower). Two years ago, I had a 160 acre field wiped out because of Spartan. I would love to know what you are using for weed control maybe it would be an option for me.

Verified FBN Member (CA)

Thank you for the info on getting a good safflower stand with 1895. I wonder if my issue is the fact that I’m not using a seed treatment. Last year was very dry with only 5.5” of rain so I thought it didn’t come up for lack of moisture but this year we received 20”. seeded into good moisture and out of 600ac I ended up with 40ac with a decent stand. The rest nothing came up. Depth 1/2 to 1”. Poun...


Verified FBN Member (CO)

The only things I've had work on bindweed is glyphosate spot sprayed to control it or tordon to kill it but the ground is dead for a couple years

Verified FBN Member (CA)

I haven’t been able to find much of anything I can use in crop on safflower but I do have a question. Are you doing no till with your safflower? I have been having a very difficult time getting a good stand with safflower on No till and have not been able to figure it out. I can get a good stand using my old hoe drill but terrible with my disk drill JD 1895. Any help would be great.