Wondering if anyone experiencing Bison tank mix with Badge, hurt the wheat crop. I sprayed June 1 at 3 left stage, ideal growing conditions, over night low of 8 celcius.
My wheat and barley absolutely got hammered. It 23 days after I sprayed, awesome growing conditions and the wheat is almost brownish color and short. Whereas my other fields sprayed with different product are lush and very green. The barley is slowly coming back but wheat is still sick.
Crop is planted on pea stubble with a fertilizer blend of 85-30-10-10, deep banded at seeding.
Any thoughts,, FBN agronomist works out of another province, and had no explanation.
Any thought or experiences with the same results?
I have called up FBN and mentioned the problem to them, and waited to see if a company rep could come out....more than 3 weeks passed and all I got was a phone call.
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