Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)


Has anybody had problems with not getting their maps uploaded ? With FBN


Verified FBN Member (IA)

Satellite maps have not uploaded since July 26 on 3 farms and August 9th on the rest of my farms. Also the application data has not uploaded from My **** Deere since May


Alexander Macintosh
FBN Employee

Thanks for flagging this, Michael. We had been experiencing some issues with our satellite imagery system but we've got it resolved now and new imagery should be showing up soon for all of your farms and fields once the system catches back up.

Verified FBN Member (CO)

I uploaded some wheat yield maps early last week and haven't seen them posted on my account. I may not be looking in the right place though, as this is the first year I've used the yield mapping from our custom harvesters.


Alexander Macintosh
FBN Employee

Thanks for reaching out Brad. We are working through the queue now and your info should be uploaded soon. You'll see the information throughout the My Operation tab of the website and mobile app and you can use the Maps section of My Operation to take a closer look at specific maps.

Verified FBN Member (ND)

Yep uploaded wheat and canola. It was out in as corn and soybeans. Man I'd love those yields on soybeans. Mfp payment would have been awesome. Just check they are still corn and soybeans.

Verified FBN Member (WA, AUS)

I’m having trouble I’ve uploaded my boundary’s all as shape files and they need to be incorporated


Alexander Macintosh
FBN Employee

Thanks Garrett - our turnaround on boundary uploads can take a few days (especially if they are submitted over the weekend) but our data operations team is working on getting your account setup. Thanks for getting the ball rolling!

Alexander Macintosh
FBN Employee

Hey there - this is Alex Macintosh from the product and engineering team. We'd love to help out. Are you having issues getting your field boundaries setup? Or precision maps? Or did you have questions about satellite imagery?


Alexander Macintosh
FBN Employee


Hey there - we are working on this today and will get back to you directly. Thanks for reaching back out.

Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)


im still waiting for my satellite imagery

Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)

satillite imagery is no up on those 2 feilds