Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)


Looking for a farm financial advisor

I'm looking for someone who can help me look into my farm financials. Wanting to take a deeper look into where things are going money wise. Been feeling like the money side of things has been increasingly stressing and so I'm looking for professional help with some financial management. Maybe the position we're in is fairly typical of farming in Western Canada. This will be the 4th crop on our own. Been managing ground since 2013. So we're definitely in expansion mode but what do I look for as far as risk management goes with that? Not sure if I'm explaining my question very well. My accountant uses QuickBooks so he prints off good reports for me. But I'd like a little better handle on understanding where we are headed with everything. My family is all business people so I'm flying solo with the farm thing. Any ideas for me? Is the advisory service offered by MNP worth it?


Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)

At our farm we have signed up with a man out of Saskatchewan that designed the software for Cargill market sense . So the setup is almost the same but it’s a good way to get a handle on what’s happening on your farm. All your assets , liabilities, payments, fixed costs , Crop plans with input expenses and rent, as well as your marketing plans and future as well as past contracts and grain invento...



Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)

We were in a similar situation years back, the best advisory program we got was a grain marketing advisor who took our financials and we worked out a market plan to our cash flow needs, far and away some of the best money we have spent, I believe you would get much more for your money going this route over Mnp. Fbn and Cargill I believe offer to of the best services available