Shannon Fong
FBN Employee


Corn Harvest Progress Update - 10/24/19 (Poll Results)

It’s been two weeks since FBN’s last corn harvest progress poll. Today, members in the central corn belt reported that corn harvest is inching along.

Click the image to see how this year compares to the USDA’s 5 year corn harvest progress average pace.

Reply to this post with a photo from harvest (the good, the bad, the ugly).

  • Corn Harvest Progress Update - 10/24/19 (Poll Results)
  • Corn Harvest Progress Update - 10/24/19 (Poll Results)


Verified FBN Member (MN)

We're just getting into corn harvest and finishing soybeans around west central MN. Unfortunately conditions are extremely muddy and we're seeing a lot of stalk rot issues. The recent winds have laid a lot of corn down flat. Yields are mostly average to just below.


Verified FBN Member (NE)

Corn harvest in central Nebraska is going ok. We had a couple days of 50-60mph wind gusts that blew a lot of corn down so that’s slowing things down a lot in places.


Verified FBN Member (MN)

I cannot see the table on my phone. Only the map.


Shannon Fong
FBN Employee

Verified FBN Member (KS)

I had to look hard for little arrows on left and right side of screen.