Verified FBN Member (MO)


Dr. *************** and *********** and discussion of wasted inputs.

I've watched several YouTube presentations from these two and essentially say we spend way too much on inputs. Berns relates it to the welfare system for crops. We put on nitrogen and plants quit producing it naturally. I'm considering going to 60 or 75 in twin rows with low growing perennials for cover in between and using no inputs other than corn seed. Thoughts? Opinions on the two named presenters? I know yields may be lower but profit per acre should increase if they are correct.


Verified FBN Member (MN)

Advance carefully and slowly. I have a neighbor that tried it for two years and he is no longer farming.


Verified FBN Member (OH)

I believe this is very true. We have slowly moved into the super cover crop mix after wheat the last few years and I get what she is talking about. Just takes a change in mindset and accepting change.


Verified FBN Member (TX)

It makes sense for sure ****, and it works, but it doesn’t happen over night. It is important to pair the right cover crops with the right crops. Look up **********’s presentations also, as well as **********. They both farm in this way and are very successful with it. Also, check out ****’s book, Dirt to Soil. It is a great book that should be required reading for every farmer!


Verified FBN Member

I agree with your required reading. The book highlights thinking outside of the “my dad did it this way model. My own father read the book as well and has been more open to experimenting on our farm.

Verified FBN Member (KY)

Check out this video on planting corn into an established stand of a variety of white cover called Durana. They have several years of data at this point . A stand can last as much as 5 years.

This one gets more into detail of the system.

We are trying a 2 acre test plot this year.


Verified FBN Member (MO)

She says 16 varieties from 4 families produce all the nutrients, fungicide, insecticide etc to raise a crop. Incorporate the crop sticker moveable barns and I think we can farm profitable again.


Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)

This makes sense to me. I've always wondered, why are we buying these yields just to flood the markets and cost more in storage and shipping.

The risk is far to high.