Verified FBN Member (IL)


Anyone running Alliance Radial tires?

We have a tractor that needs rear tires. Currently has Firestone Deep treads and they are shot. We priced Michelin Agri-Bib and one dealer was trying to sell us Some Alliance tires which he claimed were made by BF Goodrich??? They are about $600 less than the Michelin’s. I know the Michelin’s will hold up, but know nothing about Alliance. Anybody running them? We have another tractor with 3 year old Firestones and I’m really not impressed.


Verified FBN Member (PA)

Trelloborg tire would be my first choice as they are a high speed tire with good side wall and less money compared to Michelin.Bkt is also a good choice but not as durable as the other two mentioned here.Alliance will be fairly good but not a common choice in my area.

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