Been wanting to build a Heated Shed for years.
With it on one side / living space on the other side for House....
With So many options and cost . Wondering what's the best Bang for your buck ??!!
Been collecting info for years just want to do it right and not have any regrets .... You know
Here are my thoughts.
Eliminate air leaks
Seal completely . Low heating cost.
( Although seems complicated ... No one has yet to explain or give me a simple system...) Boiler? Electric? Water heater? Corn fired? Geo??$$$
Would love to do it all floor heat and heat the house that way too ??
Would it be enough ?
I know there are 1000 things you can do ...just wanted to see any tips or tricks to make sure I don't overlook anything .
Thanks !!
We really like the floor heat in our shop and our house. We run electric boilers for both, we looked into geo for our house but the new electric boilers are so efficient anymore it’s hardly worth the upfront cost of geo. Talking to people who have done both say they wouldn’t go back to geo. Buy a good floor heat thermostat, they monitor air and slab temperature. Not a big deal in a shop but a must in living area, you can also zone control floor heat so it can run two different temps in two different areas on one system.
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