Just wonder what you all have for opinions on grain trucks (18 wheelers). Brands, nitpicks, specific things that speak to the quality good/bad of truck makes/models. We’re looking to upgrade a truck and not sure where to put our money. Not looking for new, probably something 2010-2016ish
Something affordable and reliable. does not matter the color or the make everyone has their own preference, I have owned my own trucks for 40 years use to haul all my own stuff very little custom hauling. Trucking is another business altogether if you don't have the help or the time having it hired is OKAY too! We have a family operation run an older line of equipment and as my dad aged and became less capable the shine came off of running the trucks and hauling grain! Maintenance of not only the trucks on the road and the rest of equipment and facilities became a bigger priority than sitting in the truck, I found my time better spent on managing and doing my own repairs was the better option, I have a reliable trucker who gives me excellent service and when the truck leaves my worries are over all I need to work on is making sure we have the next load in the load out bins and we load 1100 bushels in about 4 minutes they have several loads out in a day and have virtually no waiting. I get a good rate based on convenience and for me spending the money on the facilities and leaving the hauling to an experienced driver was a best option. I still have 3 trucks capable of getting crop out of the fields not Junkers but high mileage low cost working vehicles they are maintained and clean could haul a longer distance if needed but no huge investment. May be different of others but a good option in my opinion new trucks are expensive and if they don't run daily they are not paying their way.
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