Verified FBN Member (CO)


Winter Canola

Looking at trying some winter or maybe even spring canola. I worry a little with the spring canola blooming & filling okay IF the timing is similar to soybeans. Soybeans struggled to fill in August here due to the heat & dryness.

Winter canola looks like a safer play but still a new crop to me. Any advice on either one?


Verified FBN Member (ND)

yeah same in my part of nd. more and more acres are going in. not sure how farmers are making it on 25-35 bu. soybeans. and you have double the risk. need rain in August ( which ruins your other crops) 2nd early snow. to risky for me.


Verified FBN Member (ND)

Here in ND try and plant it so it isn't blooming during the hottest part of summer. If it's blooming then it will abort the flowers therefore getting no pods. rain later is good for filling the seeds in the pods.


Verified FBN Member (CO)

Sounds like soybeans in that regard here. Tried those for 3yrs, was only above breakeven once due to it being hot & dry during pod fill 2 of the 3 years.

Verified FBN Member (CO)

I tried to find winter canola seed here in south western Colorado I wasn’t able to find someone that sold seed over here. If you find some can you let me know? Thanks. I enjoy reading your posts. It’s nice to see comments from a farmer that is similar to me.


Verified FBN Member (CO)

Thanks! Will do! I’m pretty sure I can get some from the CHS COOP 20 miles away in KS. Still looking going to ask once fall harvest is over. Likely too late for winter planting and with La Niña here, not sure it’s a good time to be experimenting but we’ll see come spring.