Verified FBN Member (IL)


John Deere S670 vs S680?

We’re looking at upgrading combines in the next couple years and looking at our options. We’ve narrowed it down to JD S670 and S680. We’d like the machine to be close to 10 years old with less than or right at 2000 eng hours. We’ll be running 8 row corn head and 40’ grain platform. In your opinions which machine would be best suited to our needs? And what are some options y’all would recommend (ex. Long unload auger, cab options, folding bin or static extensions, etc). Thanks.


Verified FBN Member (ND)

Big corn you will want the 680. Also if you get into a tough harvest you will need the extra HP. Won’t be needed every year depending on harvest conditions but since you are buying good used you should be able to get one reasonable. Only complaint on the 680 compared to the 670 is the rethrasher but all you have to do is change the chain and one idler sprocket/spacer annually and you won’t have issues with it. 👌🏻 Not a huge deal but if you have a choice for relatively same money the power folding hopper is nice to have.

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