Shannon Fong
FBN Employee


Corn Harvest Progress Update - 11/7/19 (Poll Results)

It’s been two weeks since FBN’s last corn harvest progress poll. In those two weeks, members have reported significant corn harvest progress in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana & Ohio. However, members in the northern corn belt have reported that recent weather events have halted much of their progress.

Notable quotes from the field:

"0%. Not dry enough." - Michigan

"We have 6000 acres and have 0% harvested." - North Dakota

"0 percent. Too wet." - North Dakota

"66% Waiting on propane. Who knows when the rest will get harvested." - Minnesota

Click the image to see how this year compares to the USDA’s 5 year corn harvest progress average pace.

  • Corn Harvest Progress Update - 11/7/19 (Poll Results)
  • Corn Harvest Progress Update - 11/7/19 (Poll Results)