Verified FBN Member (NE)


Anyone have any data on spraying fungicide with ground rig vs airplane?


Verified FBN Member (IL)


We spray all of our corn and soybeans with a ground rig. The coverage on corn at 16 gal per acre imo is much better than a plane and I cover the whole field. I have capstan on my Hagie also so we are using boundary control and not spraying waterways which is also cost saving.

We can apply a field during the correct application window also in most cases rather than waiting in line and possibly m...


Verified FBN Member (NE)

I just bought a Miller 4275 and they tell me I will be able to go over tasseled corn. It has about 6ft 3in of clearance. Trying to decide if I should run 10gpa or 20gpa. And considering putting drops on with twin tips that spray up and down in between the rows.


Verified FBN Member (IN)

Fungicide is all about coverage the higher gpa you run the better your result will be. As fungicide needs to be on top of your tassel to protect the crop from diseases I would not recommend running drops at all keep it above the tassel. We have a haggie sts14 sprayer and have found it viable to apply ourselves. Having it flown on is very expensive and you are at the mercy of having someone else do...


Darin Lickfeldt
FBN Agronomist
FBN Employee

I agree. The spray volumes are very low by air, even for the newer chemistry. Some labels recommend nozzles facing forward and backward on ground rigs to improve coverage even at 10 GPA.

Verified FBN Member (SD)

I am not a fan of planes because of the water rate. I wonder though if the application height makes a difference. With a sprayer in corn you are going to be right over the plant and not contact as many points? The newer fungicides translocate far better than older chemistries from my knowledge

Darin Lickfeldt
FBN Agronomist
FBN Employee

The costs are obviously very different but the other factor to consider is spray volume needed to control the disease. Some products such as fungicides used for Fusarium Head Blight control in wheat need great coverage on the plant and 10 gpa spray volume is recommended. You can't get that high of a spray volume with aerial apps. If a 2-4 gpa spray volume will get you effective control of the di...
