Verified FBN Member (PA)


Anyone use the Farm Trx yield moniter? And if you have it do you like it?

Im trying to find something on the cheaper side since we do not cover a lot of acres.. want something to compare the different hybrids since our combine doesnt have any kind of yield monitor.


Verified FBN Member (IN)

I also am not familiar Farm TRX, but have used a Loup yield monitor. It ran around $4500 a few years back. Worked very well and had great maps.


Verified FBN Member (PA)

Ok that's one i didn't look into i might have to check that one out.

Verified FBN Member (IL)

We put a Farm trx on our L3 this last fall. Going from no yield data to this is pretty good! I've got nothing else to compare it to. We had a few glitches starting out, but I think that is mostly due to the poor electrical output that the L3s have. (You know, like can't run lights and combine at the same time... ugh.) Handy to have anyone jump in and go without needing to set up a screen/monitor. ...



Verified FBN Member (PA)

Thanks for your comments. Good to know someone out there has it and likes it. Good to know it uploaded well to fbn.

Verified FBN Member (SD)

i dont know what u have for a combine but we have precision planting monitor. it will run u close to 5000 but once calibrated which is only once it will stay accurate. i dont know anything about farm trx but i know having bad yield maps is basically worthless


Verified FBN Member (PA)

Thanks! Appreciate your help

Verified FBN Member (NE)

Call ******* Precision Ag in Indiana. He made a kit for Yieldsense on Gleaners that works.

Verified FBN Member (PA)

We have a gleaner R62 and according to the local dealer they aren't able to put the precision planting yield sense on this combine. I agree that poor yield maps are worthless.