Verified FBN Member (MO)


Anyone had experience with underground drip irrigation? + and - and would you do it again. Cost/AC?


Verified FBN Member (OR)

We have it. We install our own. We like it a lot. We farm orchards, so no pivots or linears. Minimal trouble. A few places get chewed by rodents every year, but less than above ground.


Verified FBN Member (NE)

Bought a farm with a parcel in drip, about 25 acres. Works fine, setup and first run is interesting as there are usually some leaks. We have pivots and gravity pipe and then this one drip field. We won’t put new drip in because a pivot can do just as well. Most of these drip companies just do install and forget about in season service.


Verified FBN Member (ID)

Ive personally done subsurface drip and it has pros and cons. Depends on crop, soil, row spacing, water source and equipment. I work for a drip irrigation company and would like to help you out. Send contact info to **********************