Verified FBN Member (SD)


What tillage tool should be used to prepare to plant after tiling in the spring?

Tiling a field in the spring, currently it is unworked bean stubble, all tiling will be done with the tile plow. What tillage tool would be best to work the field after for the best seedbed prep for planting corn?


Verified FBN Member (SD)

Use the wing of a high speed disk over the tile line. We use a Protill.

Verified FBN Member (TX)

VT or could use a finish sweep plow if you run it a little deeper to help smooth it up what we use

Verified FBN Member (IA)

Not real sure its gonna matter what you do. Level it out as best you can and break up the clods. The trenches are going to do some serious settling over the summer unless it turns real dry. Be careful combining this fall and especially w the grain cart. The longer you can wait after tiling before planting the better, but that's not always possible either. One year Dad delayed planting to get the ...


Verified FBN Member (ND)

hi speed disk