Verified FBN Member (NE)


Trying to figure out mystery chemical

If someone has a shuttle of chemical they don't know what it actually is, how do you figure out what you actually have, was recommended SGS labs out of brooking south dakota and sent them a sample but they will basically tell me how much of a chemical it has ,,,,if I specify what I'm looking for, they did tell me that the sample wasn't what it was labeled as it did not have any of the active ingredient claimed....but I'm still left wondering what I actually have. At 175/test, it was worth knowing why things weren't working like they were supposed to (nothing was dying), but I don't really want to throw darts. State extension's suggestion is to give them a sample and they'll do a symptom testing, but I was hoping for something more like an episode of ncis where **** says....."oh it's this." If any body has any suggestions thank you. Also if anybody has run into this situation before, how did you deal with the chemical company? The performance failure of ineffective burndowns and second passes is going to be fairly expensive for us this year.


Verified FBN Member (NE)

Some clarification on post. Situtation involved two totes of Generic glyphosate that had been carried forward into year. Went into the season with 3 totes, two of which had been filled in 19, one had been filled in 20. Initial burn downs failed, chem retailer was contacted, was contacted by an agronomist for the company that did a pretty good job of convinincing me that the reason the glyphos...


Verified FBN Member (UT)

We had issues with chemical theft. Ordered 24d from a company online. Manufactured box was sealed but the 2 1/2-gallon jugs inside, the seals were carefully broken, and 1/4 to 1/2 gallon was taken from each. Husband blamed the company I bought it from so next time he picked up 24d at local farm store. Same thing when I opened the lid, the seal was broken and chemical was missing. It seems thi...



Verified FBN Member

I'm posting this anonymously because I work in the industry.

I would second the advice of working with the retailer. You could spend a lot of time and money trying to figure it out. But the vast majority of retailers want to continue to do business with you and will be willing to make things right. And they are going to have a better idea of what happened than you are. You are just speculating...



Verified FBN Member (WI)

I would be upfront with whoever I purchased the chemical from. They cannot make it right if they do not know about it. I would not give the tote back until everything has been discussed and a resolution has been agreed upon. Your vendor should be able to send a sample back to the manufacturer and/or packager to verify that it is not what it is labeled. I would see no reason why they would not be a...



Verified FBN Member (IN)

Try your state chemist office they should be able to help you.