Verified FBN Member (NE)


Fbn call me when I can get $5cash in my area

Fbn call me when I can get $5cash in my area


Verified FBN Member (IA)

yup plus the planted and drowned out stuff reported as planted


Verified FBN Member (IA)

15 - 17 positive basis northwest iowa

Verified FBN Member (MN)

I wouldn't hold your breathe for that call. That being said, the final planted acre reports could get really interesting. It's hard to navigate through the noise and negativity online. I personally don't think there's as many prevent plant acres as some farmers are talking about, but 91.7 million planted acres seems waaay out of line!


Verified FBN Member (NE)

I agree. might be better to dump cash and buy calls if I want upside potential.