Verified FBN Member (IA)


Anyone hearing reports of corn rootworm issues?

There was a report of a field near me (NC Iowa) with a DK Smartstax variety and a Pioneer AMXT planted in the same field which both hid very high numbers of rootworm pressure. Curious if anyone is seeing this elsewhere..


Verified FBN Member (IL)

I have 3 sticky traps out and caught no beetles this year in central Illinois

Verified FBN Member (IL)

I have not used any Insecticide on my conventional corn for the past 3 years because of the lack of rootworm bettles present during the summer. I am starting to see bettle numbers this year that will cause me to return to using insecticide or traited corn.


Verified FBN Member (IA)

Anonymous. Talked to my seasoned Pioneer guy just today about this. Qrome is NOT an increased in trait effectiveness. It is the component that removes the yield penalty that traited corn as expressed for years. I trust him when he says these are the real deal!!!


Verified FBN Member (IA)

***********, I’m 45 miles south of you. We are 100% triple stacks in all hybrids. DeKalb was the only one so far with no root worm damage. (Down corn) it was early on, but late again, they clipped brown silks so everything did pollinate correctly.

Next year, full traited corn plus dry insecticide. Should do a bug bomb with late fungicide pass for adult egg laying.

Verified FBN Member (IA)

We are seeing more extended diapause in NW Iowa. More than usual. I plan to use more triples in my corn /soybean rotated ground. Prefer the new Qrome from Pioneer because of the continued very good rootworm control and the new hybrids have excellent genetic gains vs. the older heritage Pioneer amxt and DK'/Channel smartstax varieties. In corn on corn may want to consider using the trait in the...


Verified FBN Member (IL)

I would agree with ***** above, or go with a Duracade rootworm biotec stack. No need to worry about China anymore. Remember, Counter, or Thimet are still the best rootworm insecticides available, but they have some herbicide restrictions. Rootworms can have devastating effect on yield. With rootworm, and nematode problems, Counter, and Thimet are your best friends!

Darin Lickfeldt
FBN Agronomist
FBN Employee

Over the corn belt at-large, it seems insect feeding is mostly down in 2019 relative to recent years. UWisconsin has a nice summary of this topic at

One of their conclusions is:

"Transgenic hybrids that control corn rootworms are widely

adopted and have, in most cases, provided reliable control.

However, some western corn ...
