Verified FBN Member (WA)


What is the most bushels you can raise per acre and still lose money?

What is the most bushels you can raise per acre and still lose money?


Just finished harvesting 120 acre field of wheat that went over 160 bushels an acre. It’s for seed and we have a good basis so I was able to sell it for $5.9 per bushel. I still lost money. Anyone else have any stories like?

here are the details





Rent $500

Irrigation expense $150

Fertilizer $150

Seed $20

Chemicals $55

Equipment/field work $65

Harvest $75


Net loss per acre -$71


Verified FBN Member (KS)

55 in chemical? I am spending 15 and that’s with 2 rounds of fungicide. What are you spraying?

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