Verified FBN Member (SD)


What is your tire sealant of choice?

I am going to be installing new tires on a tractor soon. Just wondering what products you guys have had good luck with for sealing up any small leaks I may have with tubeless tires.


Verified FBN Member (SD)

I love LiquiTube! I have been using it for years. Used it on everything, form the lawn mower and atv to the combine and grain carts. Even in the truck tires. If I have a tire with any kind of slow leak i grab the pail and put in the amount needed for that tire and air it back up. Goes in through the valve stem and as you move the air pressure pushes the LiquiTube into any cracks, holes or bead leaks the tire may have. The amount you need depends on the size of the tire. Doesn't freeze or cause rust or corrode aluminum either. Have used probably 30 ish gallons so far. I keep a 55 gallon drum in my garage and supply a bunch of neighbors with it as well.

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