Verified FBN Member (ON, CAN)


What’s everyone using for radios in their tractors ?

Looking for 5or 6 of them, must be able to cover a 20km radios! Thanks!


Verified FBN Member (ON, CAN)

Thanks for the help appreciate it!

Verified FBN Member

That I can’t say, not sure why they wouldn’t, it’s gmrs frequency 462-467 MHz. unless there is another system operating on that range you should be good

Verified FBN Member (ON, CAN)

But will the midlands work in Canada though? Having a hard time finding an answer!

Verified FBN Member

I agree, we used to have private business band, the midland mobiles are inexpensive and easy comparatively, the 15 watt are completely plug and play, the 40 watt mounted units require wiring and are better with tuned antenna but will reach 30 miles if set up correctly

Verified FBN Member (IL)

After 20 years of struggling with CB Radio poor connectivity, we switched to Midland radios. They are fantastic. I highly recommend them.