Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)


Looking for opinions on grain dryers.

We are located in South east Saskatchewan. Our main crops we would be drying would be malt barley, spring wheat, canola and maybe some peas. We started looking at setting up a grain dryer on our farm and have looked at MC eco series, GSI 1100 series, and sukup. The Sukup mixed flow dryer has intrigued me based on the supposed gentle handling of crops and the energy efficiency. Thanks to our carbon tax energy efficiency is key IMO. Has anybody used one of these dryers and what are your thoughts? Any info would be greatly appreciated as we are grain drying rookies.


Also down the road we might be looking at a pneumatic system. I have heard mixed reviews, one thing that concerns me is they sound like power pigs. Any thoughts on these types of systems?



Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)

Consider Neco ,screen dryer are a pain to deal with when you dry in humid conditions ,you have to shut everything down at least once a day and clean the screens plus they are a bigger fire hazard

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