Verified FBN Member (IL)


Do you need a special license to treat your own soybeans? If not where can you buy the treatment?

I’m a small farmer but have my own box to box seed treater that I use for a product on corn. I would like to save some money and treat my own soybeans. I only need enough for 120 units.


Verified FBN Member (OK)

To my knowledge, you don't need any applicator license to treat your seed.

I have used ApronMaxx RTA for several years. It is fungicide only. I am very satisfied with its performance.

There are plenty of other products available to treat soybeans, but almost all of them are limited to commercial treatment due to being highly concentrated and thus requiring a more precise treating system than i...



Verified FBN Member (OK)


FBN has some fungicide+insecticide soybean treat for sale here:

But it is priced well above ApronMaxx RTA (which is fungicide only) and you'll have to buy 5 gal. It is still cheaper than commercially treated and whatever you don't use this year could be carried over to next year.

Verified FBN Member (IL)

They won’t sell me any. They want me to have them treat them. I found one place but they wanted me to buy 30 gallons that did 1000 units.