Verified FBN Member (OH)


New Crop Sales

What’s everyone’s thoughts on selling new crop? Keep waiting to sell corn and beans for 2022 or sell & take advantage of these prices. I have a notion to move to 50% sold at current market or set some targets a little higher.



Verified FBN Member (TX)

Are there any Organic Producers on this site ?

Would like to know what marketing information these producers are planning….. what cash contracts are out there to be had, any secrets to your marketing outlets!

Verified FBN Member (VA)

Lock in enough to cover input costs in case things tank. But I think we've interred into a time of hyper inflation. Grain in the bin / not yet sold is a hedge against inflation.


Verified FBN Member (SD)

I bought $6.00 July short dated corn puts and $14.50 July short dated beans puts. Leaves upside open but protects good profit


Verified FBN Member (IL)

Know your cost of production, sell your crop at a profit, move on to the next year marketing plan. You will always be able stay in business if you make a profit above you living expense and debt service requitements


Verified FBN Member (OH)

With input prices the way they are I locked in over half. If these prices tank you are going to be in a real bad way.

Verified FBN Member (IN)

Scale up. Sell some and put in open orders. If these prices are not profitable might want to consider alternatives. Better to be profitable than be greedy and miss profitable prices.


Verified FBN Member (MO)

What are open orders?

Verified FBN Member (LA)

I sold 50% of new crop last week. $15 beans are to good to pass up.