Verified FBN Member (SA, AUS)


North American season?

How is the crops in North America atm? I’ve seen some really drought affected crops in Canada. Your dry times are pushing prices high here in Australia.


Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)

Hi **** ...I am wondering have the Chinese opened there market to Australian Barley ...With our Canadian canola they closed the market to us in 2019-2020 and then in in late 2020 start of 2021 they came roaring back buying almost a record of it despite there market still being technically closed ....funny bunch!


Verified FBN Member (SA, AUS)

Hi ***** yes they are a funny how they operate I think it’s to try and dominate the market. No China haven’t lowered there barley tariffs. They are buying small parcels though. Thankfully it hasn’t really affected the market as feed barley prices are around the $280 a tonne.

Verified FBN Member (WI)

Farm east of miss river' corn and beans looking great. Should have a good year but not in the bin yet. ***..


Verified FBN Member (KS)

probably will have a lot of corn around 200. beans to soon to tell. Are you in south australia? Whats your operation like. I love the fact that theirs people from all over the world on here.


Verified FBN Member (SA, AUS)

Hi ***** yes I Farm in South Australia. Our season is looking to be a big one but we need rain now to help finish off our wheat. We grow wheat Barley lentils Canola and sheep. Yes I really enjoy being able to talk with farmers from the other side of the world.

Verified FBN Member (SA, AUS)

That’s not bad yields. 3.6T/H for the metric boys like me.

Verified FBN Member (IL)

220 bu. on corn, and start beans in two weeks!


Verified FBN Member (IL)

Crops here in northeast Illinois are good. Started out a cold dry spring, but then got just enough rain. We are dry now but corn should do 230 bu, per acre, soybeans 65 bu, per acre on good ground. Will start some brand in two weeks


Verified FBN Member (SA, AUS)

That’s good to hear have seen some reports out of Canada and America looks really dry. The crops are looking fantastic here another good rain and we could have our biggest crop yet.


Verified FBN Member (KS)

Here in northeast Kansas. the crops look really good. How about in australia


Verified FBN Member (AL)

My farm is located in the southeast portion of the US, Alabama to be specific, and we have had a very unseasonably wet year. The corn is being harvested now and is doing above average (175) and the soybeans are still growing. We would trade for some dry weather for a month.