Verified FBN Member (ND)


Raising the Standard, Seed Labels

As F2F increases their seed portfolio with hybrids and maturity on different seeds I think F2F as they seem to do should raise the bar on seed labels, specifically cold sat and putting it on the label, I know seed companies do not have to put that on the label and most people if they do cold sat test, farm it out to a 3rd party. Whether it’s to keep it unbiased or not is another story. Everyone knows farmers push maturities and with that may come earlier planting dates but for most it’s all dependent on Mother Nature or ground temp. By no means am I trying to point out that I don’t trust their seed because I have some and it’s some of my best looking corn and by far had the best emergence on this cold North Dakota spring. I’m just hoping F2F and FBN can keep raising the bar and ruffling feathers.


Verified FBN Member (MN)

QR code would be a great idea. put all relevant info on it .,not like seed catalog generalizations


Verified FBN Member (TX)

I agree. I would like a more detailed label on all brands of seed! In my area I would like a cold germ test on grain sorghum.


Brant Caley
FBN Employee

Thanks for the quick feedback. We likely won’t be able to pull off this idea for 2020— but it’s possible in the future. Hopefully other ideas will come in this thread!

Verified FBN Member (ND)

Yes everyone seems to have a different results on csat test just because of the way it’s performed. In my eyes this test is a tool for planting, if the grounds cold and the forecast is cold but you need to plant and your favorite corn seed has a lower score it helps make a decision to maybe chose a different one. That’s a great idea on the qr code, even giving details on origin when it was put int...



Brant Caley
FBN Employee

Great question! I’d love to get some feedback on this thread. Right now, our stance is that Cold Germ is not a standardized enough test for us to be able to put the results on the tag. Every company does cold germ tests, but every test is a bit different— so it’s near impossible to have an apples-to-apples comparison. This makes it tough to add cold germ results, without attracting scrutiny. We d...
