Verified FBN Member (KS)


Coronavirus impact on ag

I was looking at the project loss of life from some scientists, and it got me thinking about Ag production. I we did lose 500000 to a million people would we have a huge overproduction in food? And how would the government continue to give us plc payments after all this money their spending. Maybe I’ve just been on the internet too much.


Verified FBN Member (NY)

A baby boom after all this would be kind of nice.

Verified FBN Member (MN)

I think government payments, if we are going to get them again, should be paid regardless of planting a crop or not. Otherwise we are just contributing to the oversupply problem. Last year, there were most likely a fair amount of acres planted that wouldn’t have been because MFP was tied to the crop being produced. If you tack on an MFP payment to a PP payment, that’s at least an amount you can pa...



Verified FBN Member (SD)

I agree with every word you just said and to the above topic of our currency I’ll say if we continue to add to our carry out levels in corn and beans then I’d say our dollar needs start dropping in order to help our exports out and it’d probably help the cattle and hogs out as well as we could start exporting more but if the dollar continues to stay strong and the government incentives the farmer ...


Verified FBN Member (KS)

Thank you for a good response, i was also thinking we would be the best of the bad. I was also thinking of 1 million people world wide, and how much grain and cattle we would have no market for. Thanks


Verified FBN Member (ND)

I would worry about the amount of people passing away. Don't get me wrong this would be sad but with people being on house quarantine I think we will be having a baby boom in about 9 months. Cycle of life.

Verified FBN Member (SD)

I would say though that the corn market has the greatest risk with the lack of travel and how that effects the demand of ethanol. I would say that commodity has the greatest concern.

Verified FBN Member (SD)

If we lost 1,000,000 people in the US that would be .3% of a 327,000,000 population. While 1 million seems like a lot, statistically it is not. I would argue that the level will probably end up to being .5% to 1.5%. Don't do the math on that it might scare you. As for the rising debt level I would normally in the past be concerned, but the reality of it is that all of the countries of the world ar...
