Verified FBN Member (IA)


On rented ground, who covers the cost of tile repair and waterway dirt work? Owner or operator?


Verified FBN Member (WI)

What ever you negotiate. No right answer. Talk it over with landowner and come up with something that works for both. In my experience being willing to pay for land improvements lets me pay less than the going rate for some rents, and lock those for awhile. But everything is deal by deal.


Verified FBN Member (OH)

In my opinion

Waterways are typically rated for 25-30yrs. That’s on the land owner.

A full systematic tile job should be split between farmer and land owner (50/50. 30/70. Whatever.) with a long term rental agreement.

Typical tile repairs or minimal maintenance on waterways should be all on the farmer. How expensive is it to run a backhoe and repair a short section of 4s or 8s to make it more ac...


Verified FBN Member (IL)

Depends on your length of lease. If it's year to year landlord. If it's multi-year tenant. All major repairs are still the responsibility of the landlord.