Verified FBN Member (IA)


Does anyone have experience with compaction issues with high speed discs?

We are considering acquiring a high speed disc to do tillage. During demonstrations, it does a good job, but we are concerned with compaction. Let me know if you have any experience. Thanks.


Verified FBN Member (NE)

We’ve been running horsch jokers for the past 10 years, here’s my recommendation.

1) Try to do as much in the fall as possible. Don’t run it in spring/early summer if you don’t have to, the subsoil compaction becomes progressively harder to overcome as spring/early summer progresses.

2) Higher speed does a better job typically, but nothing trumps soil conditions. The horsch will go through some ...



Verified FBN Member (IA)

Thanks guys for your input. I appreciate it.


Verified FBN Member (IA)

I would say 10 to 12 mph. The faster you go the better job it does. Two ideologies in place. Pull a smaller disk faster and deeper or pull a bigger one shallower and fast. We chose a bigger disk then recommended because we think it does a good job shallower and fast plus we get more done. We plant into it in the spring and have zero issues with the trash situation.


Verified FBN Member (NE)

What is the recommended speed for these discs?


Verified FBN Member (VA)

about 10 mph…. If that kicks up way too much dust… cut your speed back to roughly 6 to 8 mph

Verified FBN Member (VA)

I agree with ************** High Speed is best used in the fall… But it will do great in the spring…. You need a high speed more so after harvest… But again if you use it in the spring… as long as your tractor speed is right for the attachment you will be just fine…


Verified FBN Member (IA)

We have a versatile fury, 35 ft. We run it over stalks in the fall and plant into it in the spring. Been doing it this way for 4 years. We are raising some of our best beans. We have done some in the spring and it worked fine but prefer to use it in the fall only.