Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)


Have any of you ever tried SoilOptix, wondering if it’s worth the 20$ an acre price tag


Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)

They did have the option out there last year which they called a buyback option where the farmer bought the box and then at the end of the season they bought it back which really made sense for farmers who had 6000 acres + ...I did research it with a 10000 acre farm just for example all of a sudden your first year would drop down to $8 -$9 /acre ....the other neat part of there program is any farm...


Verified FBN Member

That’s interesting, do you buy the equipment or is it part of the program? I noticed on their website that there were multiple boxes mounted on a high boy boom

Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)


No ,they actually have the option to install there swat box on any piece of equipment and then you map it yourself which actually saved us a huge amount of money ...because think about it a farmer runs over his field 4-5 times a year average ...worked out real good for us !

Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)

Have you researched SWAT MAPS we mapped our whole farm with them in 2020 and this year we tried there platform and we defiantly saw some benefits ...they are roughly $10 for the first year /acre and the following years they fall back to $3.50 /acre ....we researched soil optix and in our opinion VR is not worth $20 /acre


Verified FBN Member


Did someone come out and map with their swat box?

Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)

I have very hilly complex fields

I have a few fields done

Makes a very nice map lots of detail, big swings in rates.

I create my own from yeild/elevation and are good enough for basic npk

Probably not worth the price unless you are planning some soil repair like lime or something else costly.