Looking at growing either Dryland corn or Milo out here in the desert. I’m wondering if people are thinking the latest and greatest corn seed can be as tough when it comes to drought as Milo? Normal Dryland Milo yields here are probably 2500 pounds. Nobody does corn but I think I can grow it for close to same money and the corn is obviously worth more. I like the corn a lot more from a rotational aspect as well. What will it take for corn to make 2500 pounds? It’s not insurable here. Milo is insurable but might as well not be as total coverage is only around 50 an acre. Thoughts?
I would agree that milo is much tougher. Also agree that more often than not, temps are in your favor when milo is pollinating than when corn is. As for insurance you could look at NAP through FSA or Whole Farm through your insurance agent.
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