Verified FBN Member (AR)

(edited)For SaleHarvest

JohnDeere GrainTank $39,000

JohnDeere 8882 GrainTank

Well folks here she is, all 225hp of her!

Originally, a JohnDeere 8820 frame and power train was taken all the way down to the frame then re-engineered and fitted with a Brent 782

The cab is off of a 9970 JohnDeere Picker, plumbed with only the mandatory wires AC, Radio, Lights, ETC

Engine - 6466AH-02

Hp - 225

Trans. 3speed Hydrostatic

Grain Tanks Capacity - 782bu

Unloading Augers - 18”


Augers in good shape

Field ready and Farmer built!!


Located in Twist, Ar

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JohnDeere GrainTank
Year: 2022
Condition: New



Verified FBN Member (SD)

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