Verified FBN Member (IA)


What can you spray with dicamba to kill volunteer corn in soybeans?

We used to use selectmax to control volunteer corn in our beans. I have heard that you can’t use selectmax with dicamba. What are you all using?


Verified FBN Member (SD)

I have actually preferred assure ii or se-cure for volunteer corn over the last couple of years.

Verified FBN Member (SD)

Willowood Clethodim 2ec from FBN direct works great for us, and is by far the best price for a corn killer in our area.

Verified FBN Member (MO)

Google product and approved tank mixes.

For Engenia for example:

Volunteer® Herbicide (which is Clethodim)

Clethodim 2E (Albaugh)

Clethodim 2E (Red Eagle)

Clethodim 2EC (Willowood)

I just listed products I recognized. I am sure there are others.


Verified FBN Member (SD)

I highly recommend an approved coc. Clethodim kill will not be satisfactory without it.

Darin Lickfeldt
FBN Agronomist
FBN Employee

The Clethodim rate is dependent on the volunteer corn height at application time. Apply 6oz if corn is 4 inches, up to 16oz if 24 inches tall. *** Do not add any adjuvant other than drift retardant from the approved list on the website if using with a dicamba product. If you want to talk to an FBN Senior Agronomist about a specific situation you can call or text 605-223-4224.

Verified FBN Member (IN)

The dicamba label is the restrictor. If your off label your insurance will not cover you. Just keep that in mind. Check your states regs on top of fed rules on label. A concerned farmer......

Verified FBN Member (AR)

Select kills the corn. It may take a bit but it will do the job

Verified FBN Member (KS)

Ive had best luck with crop oil with intensety, or clethodim, select max with correct additives for engina label does not work. If you want it to work very well with any mix, throw in some Ams, but I have never tried, only heard about this on the dark web, which i do not look at, coffee shop talk


Hunter Stone
FBN Agronomist
FBN Employee


Adding AMS to dicamba tank mixes can increase volatility and the risk for off-target injury. For the newer dicamba formulations labeled for DT soybeans, AMS is prohibited. Older dicamba formulations (DMA, DGA salts) may not specifically prohibit AMS, however even these have increased volatility with AMS or other additives or tank mix partners that lower pH.

Verified FBN Member (OH)

On the BASF link Cale referenced, Select Max is referenced as an approved herbicide, . So are some generics like Clethodim 2E that you can purchase at Rural King for a fraction of the cost.

Verified FBN Member (IA)

My retailer said I could tankmix Select Max with dicamba but to leave out the crop oil. I used 8oz. and it didnt work very well at all. Where I ran Select Max with COC and no dicamba, it worked great at 8 oz. even on bigger corn. I think the COC is a must.


Verified FBN Member (MN)

A local custom guy uses Volunteer and has very good results. I couldn't get it or Fusilade from my distributor, in a timely fashion, and ended up using his recommendation of Intensity 1. The results were very poor and I will not use it again.


Verified FBN Member (MN)

You can use select max but you need to do more oz per acre. I think like 12 because the dicamba antagonizes the select. I just sprayed my big concoction seperate from my dicamba just to be safer. Didnt have any claims so it worked good

Verified FBN Member (IA)

I'm using fusilade DX at 6oz, I was told that select max is not getting a good enough kill on the corn,with a dicamba mix. My chem rep. said they had trouble last year with select max, that the longer it sat in the tank mix the less potent it became.

Verified FBN Member (NE)

I've used generic clethodim w engenia... just throw in some crop oil concentrate and you're all set.

Verified FBN Member (NE)

Select is not labeled but select max is. A similar product to regular select that's labeled to be tank mixed is section three. There is a generic clethodium product that's labeled also. Best to make sure it's on the tank mix partner list so you have as much liability covered as possible.


Verified FBN Member (IL)

Clethodium works great


Verified FBN Member (NE)

This is a website that I use with all approved adjuvant herbicide glyphosate drift reduction agents and nozzle type


Verified FBN Member (MN)

Do you know if that's a federal label restriction or is it by state? I hadn't heard anything about clethodim not being labeled for use with dicamba... I believe that's the active in Select Max, correct?


Verified FBN Member (IA)


Wow just realized I had my FBN community notifications turned off for 5 months. What a stooge... lots of good info came along since I posed this question! It was originally my understanding that mixing the two would result in decreased effectiveness for volunteer corn control.