Verified FBN Member (AB, CAN)


Liquid fertilizer

We are looking at putting liquid fertilizer on with are sprayer. What is the best sprayer bar or nozzle to us

And the best spray.


Going to be applying to wheat and canola just as a top up if we get the rain this year .


Verified FBN Member (SK, CAN)

We are the same, if it’s wet after seeding i think it definitely helps, I’m not great with trials so I’m not exactly sure how much yield benefit we actually get vs putting it all down at seeding. Biggest reason for us is that we can’t put enough nitrogen on with the drill we have, Dutch spur opener on 12” spacing, dry years we have issues with ammonia toxicity so we try to keep it down around 40-50 pounds with the drill and add a top up, can be stressful trying to get over all the acres before a rain but not too early to loose any to gassing off, agrotain would help but also added cost as well

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